Defective Products
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Defective Products
If you live in the Tri-Cities or eastern Washington and have a defective DePuy hip implant, you may be eligible for compensation.
Call Now to 509-747-0101 to speak with attorney John Allison.
Our law firm represents several patients from the Tri-Cities and eastern Washington who unfortunately have suffered harm from one of these defective metal hip implants.
Our firm has decided to handle these cases on a contingency fee basis. That means we are only paid when you recover compensation.
We can answer your questions about this nationwide case and give you critical local contact with your attorneys.
A brief history of the DePuy case
DePuy (pronounced deep-YOU) is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest health care companies in the world. For many years, this company marketed its metal hip implant (specifically its "ASR" cup) as a healthy and safe artificial device.
But soon after it hit the market, the company started hearing complaints and warnings that dangerous metal particles were entering some patients' blood and tissues. There were hundreds of reports of failure before DePuy finally recalled this defective device in August of 2010. Now the company is denying liability in claims being filed from all over the country and the world.
In certain cases, the defective hip implants have been shown to cause release of dangerous heavy metal particles – especially chromium and cobalt – into the blood and tissues of patients. Several thousand people who received these hip implants are now involved in lawsuits. Most of the cases have been consolidated into a single federal court in Ohio. Millions of pages of documents are being examined and dozens of sworn depositions will be taken.
Our law firm of Eymann Allison Jones PS has been representing patients from the Tri-Cities and eastern Washington for more than a year in these cases. We offer an important local connection to this worldwide case and can personally answer your questions and concerns. Call attorney John Allison at 509-747-0101.
How we are paid.
Our firm is pursuing these cases on a contingency fee basis. That means we receive a minority percentage of your compensation, such that if you are not compensated, we receive no fee.
This fee system insures that patients suffering from harm due to a defective medical device can be on a much more level playing field when going against such a huge worldwide health care company.
Above all else, you are in control of whether to proceed. There is no obligation for picking up the phone and letting us provide you more information.
Call attorney John Allison at 509-747-0101, or contact us via e-mail here.
Located in Eastern Washington, the Spokane law office of Eymann Allison Jones, P.S. will provide confidential consultations to victims of defective products, or their friends or loved ones. Our attorneys provide representation to clients in Tri-Cities, Spokane County, Benton County, Franklin County, eastern Washington and north Idaho, including the cities of Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, Spokane, Cheney, Deer Park, Airway Heights, Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, Medical Lake, Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls, and Sandpoint.
To learn how Eymann Allison Jones, P.S. can help you evaluate or investigate your potential defective products case, contact the firm now.